Sunday, September 1, 2013

Healthy breakfast – 30 day challenge!

I hope everyone is looking forward to an exciting Labor Day weekend...I know I am! Since September is the National breakfast month, I am going to challenge myself to have (healthy) breakfast every single day(this month).  For most people, breakfast is an essential meal, for me I am just fine skipping it. I totally enjoy good food but I am not a morning person. So cooking breakfast or making something first thing every morning is just not my cuppa of tea...And yes I skip tea too!

Challenges get me going and for those who know me, just pretending to be a morning person is a tough challenge in itself and adding ‘healthy breakfast’ to it...challenging enough I think!

Today is the first day of the challenge and I made myself a strawberry, kiwi smoothie. YUMM is the word! Turns out smoothies come with an easy logic (fruits + nuts + yogurt) – one of the many things I learnt from friends and family.  

Trying out new things adds an interesting twist to life; it makes it lot more fun. Next few days, I plan to try out different combinations of fruits and add a mix of other ingredients like oats, tofu, greens etc. I have tried smoothies with Oats in the past but it became so thick that...Ah well! Times change and so do skills, so I am sure this time it will be just fine.

There are just so many options out there that I hope when I get really tired of smoothies, some other idea with magically show up. As they say, where there is will..there is a way. So I pray that I keep up with this challenge and have my most essential meal through this month and maybe longer! Will try to post some of the recipes..wish me luck and keep checking on me! Ciao - Happy Labor Day then...